YMP Brisbane: Wine after Work: Post-mining land uses as part of Australia’s energy transition

Location: Clayton Utz, Level 28, Riparian Plaza, 71 Eagle St, Brisbane CBD

Date: Nov 3, 2022

Time: 05:30 pm - 8:30 pm AEST

Fee: Members: AUD20, Non-members: AUD30

Join Young Mining Professionals Brisbane and special guest speakers at the next Wine after Work event: 

Post-mining land uses as part of Australia’s energy transition

How can we look to diversify land use to safeguard business during Australia’s energy transition? What alternative options are there for post-mining land uses? Join us at Clayton Utz for a panel discussion on Australia’s energy transition, ESG and what the recent and proposed legislative changes mean for mining companies.

Our panel of guest speakers who will impart their knowledge and unique insights on the night are:

  1. Leighton Smith, Special Counsel, Clayton Utz

  2. Thomas Smeulders, Associate Director, KPMG

  3. Tristan Appleby, Senior Associate, Clayton Utz

  4. Beryl Rachier, Lawyer, Clayton Utz

  5. Georgia Davis, Senior Associate, Clayton Utz (our MC for the evening)

Drinks and canapés will be provided, with special thanks to our event sponsor Clayton Utz.

Please secure your tickets ASAP, as numbers are strictly limited.

We look forward to seeing you there!

BrisbaneHannah Frankish