Young Mining Professionals exists to provide the new generation of leaders with the skills, the networks, and the opportunities they need to succeed and take mining into the future.

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Welcome from the Global Leadership Team

Hello! We’re glad you’re interested in finding out a little bit more about Young Mining Professionals. As a Global Leadership Team we are comprised of nominated leaders from our individual chapters; we come together to make decisions around the strategic direction of the group, identify potential new chapters, share best practices and event ideas; and ensure adherence of our chapters to our ethos and our vision.


YMP’s Global Board of Directors

Our membership comprises everyone who enables mining to thrive. Beyond engineers, geologists, and environmental scientists; we have deal-doers, advisers, brokers and accountants; community workers, coders, communicators, lawyers, and human resource specialists; entrepreneurs, technologists, robotics gurus, event organisers. Everyone from explorers, developers and the producers; from HQ’s to the mine sites, the contractors and the consultants; the investors, the juniors, the mid-tiers and the majors.

We primarily support those under-40 years of age, however there are no hard and fast rules. If you are the future of mining, you are welcome to join.


Bianca Déprés

YMP London, 
Resolute Mining Limited

Caelen Burand

Caelen Burand

YMP Arizona,
Lundin Gold



Expand the network’s reach to leverage collective experience


Provide opportunities to enhance global collaboration


Identify and celebrate achievers through our awards


Become the face of the mining industry to new entrants


Become a Member

Membership of Young Mining Professionals is free. Please join your local chapter to connect with the only global network of young mining professionals and become part of mining’s future.

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