YMP Vancouver Special Event: Virtual Beer Tasting & Social

YMP Vancouver Special Event - Virtual Beer Tasting & Social

Location: Online

Date: November 26, 2020

Time: 05:00 pm - 07:00 pm PST

Fee: $20

Password: YMPSocial

Ticket Sales End: Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Space is limited, registration and ticket purchase are required. Please confirm delivery is available to your area before purchasing your ticket (see map further down).

We have missed you! Join us for a virtual Canadian Craft Tour beer tasting on Thursday, November 26 at 5:00 pm (pacific). On the day of the event, four beverages will be delivered to your door - simply join the call to see familiar faces, sample local beverages and learn something new about Vancouver brew.

Space is limited so be sure to get your ticket early! Also note that ticket sales end on November 11, 2020, as numbers and delivery instructions need to be confirmed.

* Please note that delivery is only available for those living in the area shown in yellow and blue on the map below. If you would like to participate in the event, but live outside of the delivery area shown, please email lcyprus@cassels.com.


We would like to extend our best wishes to all our members and hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy at this time. 

We would like to thank our generous sponsors as without their support events like this would not be possible. Our Vancouver chapter sponsors are KPMG LLP, Cassels, New Placer Dome Gold, Integra Resources, Equinox Gold, VRIFY, and Solaris Resources.

Our YMP Global sponsor is Rio Tinto.

VancouverCatriona Beadel